CSV File Information

Files for the File Processing (mPAY24 xChange) are submitted in CSV format.

TIDRequiredANmax. 11Your transaction ID (e.g. invoice number), e.g. ABCD12`
PRICERequiredNmax. 10The cent amount to be paid, e.g. 100
CURRENCYRequiredAN3Three digit ISO currency code, e.g. EUR
PROFILEOptionalAN1Specifies whether to create a payment profile or not (ignored if profile payment is not active)
CUSTOMER_IDConditionalANmax. 11Unique CUSTOMER_ID, which is used for storing payment profiles; have to be set if PROFILE is given
CUSTOMERRequiredANmax. 50The customer's name, e.g. John Doe
ORDERDESCRequiredANmax. 100Description of the order, e.g.: test order
P_TYPEConditionalANGeneral payment type; for credit card transactions always CC; do not set if PROFILE is given
BRANDConditionalANThe Credit Card brand; possible values are: AMEX, DINERS, JCB, MASTERCARD, VISA; do not set if PROFILE is given
IDENTIFIERConditionalNmax. 18A valid credit card number, e.g. 4444333322221111; do not set if PROFILE is given
EXPIRYConditionalN4The expiry date of the credit card, format: YYMM, e.g. 0912 would be 12/2009; do not set if PROFILE is given
1;100;EUR;Y;c0001;John Doe;CC order;CC;VISA;4444333322221111;1406
2;100;EUR;c0001;John Doe;CC abo payment;PROFILE
3;100;EUR;Alex Doe;CC order;CC;AMEX;1012345678901234;1406

Direct Debit

Important: When using mPAY24 Live Clearing and/or mPAY24 xChange the merchant is responsible for the EU regulation conform handling of SEPA mandates (e.g. creation, signing, storing, information providing and pre-notification). Detailed information regarding SEPA direct debit mandates can be obtained at <www.sepa.eu>

TIDRequiredANmax. 11Your transaction ID (e.g. invoice number), e.g. ABCD12
PRICERequiredNmax. 10The cent amount to be paid, e.g. 100
CURRENCYRequiredAN3Three digit ISO currency code, e.g. EUR
PROFILEOptionalAN1Specifies whether to create a payment profile or not (ignored if profile payment is not active)
CUSTOMER_IDConditionalANmax. 11Unique CUSTOMER_ID, which is used for storing payment profiles; have to be set if PROFILE is given
CUSTOMERRequiredANmax. 50The customer's name, e.g. John Doe
ORDERDESCRequiredANmax. 100Description of the order, e.g.: test order
P_TYPEConditionalANGeneral payment type; for direct debit transactions always ELV; do not set if PROFILE is given
BRANDConditionalANThe Direct Debit brand; possible values are: ATOS, BILLPAY, HOBEX-AT, HOBEX-DE, HOBEX-NL; do not set if PROFILE is given
IBANConditionalANmax. 34A valid IBAN (International Bank Account Number), e.g.: AT631200098765432109; do not set if PROFILE is given
BICConditionalANmax. 11A valid BIC (Bank Identifier Code), e.g.: BKAUATWW000; do not set if PROFILE is given
MANDATE_IDConditionalANmax. 35Mandate ID of the customer; do not set if PROFILE is given
DATE_OF_SIGNATUREConditionalAN10Signature date of the mandate, e.g.: 2014-01-20; do not set if PROFILE is given
4;100;EUR;Y;c0001;Jane Doe;ELV;HOBEX-AT;AT63120009876543;BKAUATWWOOO;m001;2014-01-20
5;100;EUR;c0001;Jane Doe;ELV abo payment;PROFILE

Profile payments

TIDRequiredANmax. 11Your transaction ID (e.g. invoice number), e.g. ABCD12
PRICERequiredNmax. 10The cent amount to be paid, e.g. 100
CURRENCYRequiredAN3Three digit ISO currency code, e.g. EUR
CUSTOMER_IDRequiredANmax. 11Unique CUSTOMER_ID, which is used for storing payment profiles
CUSTOMERRequiredANmax. 50The customer's name, e.g. John Doe
ORDERDESCRequiredANmax. 100Description of the order, e.g.: test order
P_TYPERequiredANmax. 11General payment type; for profile payments always PROFILE
6;100;EUR;c0001;John Doe;CC abo payment;PROFILE
7;100;EUR;c0002;Jane Doe;ELV abo payment;PROFILE


OPERATIONRequiredAN3CRL as for clearing
MPAYTIDRequiredNmax. 11The mPAY24 transaction ID to be cleared
PRICERequiredNmax. 10The operation amount stated in cents, e.g. 100


OPERATIONRequiredAN3CRD as for credit
MPAYTIDRequiredNmax. 11The mPAY24 transaction ID to be credited
PRICERequiredNmax. 10The operation amount stated in cents, e.g. 100