
Refund a payment

Transactions in state BILLED can be refunded to the customer with the ManualCredit call. It is possible to credit an amount smaller than the original cleared amount. Only one transaction per request can be credited.


Not all payment systems support this operation, please see chapter Payment systems for more details about specific payment systems.

Operation: ManualCredit


The merchant can credit transactions over the merchant interface or using the ManualCredit operation. The transaction status change can be received via the push method (see Payment notification).
More information about crediting via the merchant portal can be found in the Merchant interface manual.


Only equal or less than the cleared amount can be credited.

A transaction can be credited by providing the mpayTID element. If no additional amount element is given, the full amount of the transaction is credited.


The amount element is provided as cent amount.


As response the credited transaction is listed with its current state.


The status and returnCode should be checked to determine if the operation was successful.

Multiple credits of cleared amounts


Not all payment systems support this operation, please see chapter Payment systems for more details about specific payment systems.

The multiple crediting features enables the merchant to credit transactions more than once. To credit a transaction multiple times, the partly credits must not exceed the transaction cleared amount.

Operation: ManualCredit


Also, the merchant can multiple credit the transactions manually over the merchant portal. The transaction status changed can be received via the push method (see Payment notification).

To credit a transaction more than once, the ManualCredit call is used multiple times with an amount less than the cleared amount. The total amount of all credits can not exceed the cleared amount. If a transaction has been cleared multiple times, the corresponding stateID of the clearing has to be used for the crediting.


Each partly clearing of a transaction has to be credited separately. It is not possible to credit several clearings of one transaction at once.


The amount element is provided as cent amount.


As response the credited transaction is listed with its current state.


The status and returnCode should be checked to determine if the operation was successful.