
The following brands are covered in this section: AMEX, DINERS, JCB, MASTERCARD, VISA

Requirements to process CC transactions:

  • PCI DSS certification
  • Implementing 3-DS Verify Enrollment Request, if defined by the acquirer

A merchant using Backend2Backend Integration is responsible to stick to the agreement defined by his acquirer. If the merchant is unsure whether 3-DS is mandatory or not, the acquirer should be consulted and it should be considered to implement the mPAY24 PayPage.


It is strongly recommended and in many cases mandatory to request the CVC from the customer.

mPAY24 does not take any responsibility for authorization errors or higher risk levels for merchants using custom integration and not requesting the CVC.

The following basic credit card transactions does not initiate a 3-DS Verify Enrollment Request.

      <payment xsi:type="etp:PaymentCC">

The chapter 3-DS Verify Enrollment Request has to be taken into consideration if the brand AMEX, MASTERCARD or VISA is used.


3-DS Verify Enrollment could be enabled at any time for other brands.

Authorization with 3-DS verification

3-DS authentication is designed to prove that a card holder conducted and authorized a transaction. In order for this to work, the card holder is authenticated using a private code.

Requirements to process transactions with 3-DS verification:

To authorize transactions with 3-DS verification the element auth3DS should be set to true.

      <payment xsi:type="etp:PaymentCC">

The following websites should be referred to for an explanation about the individual processes: